The 2nd International Workshop on Context for Software Development was held on May 19, 2015 in Florence, collocated with ICSE 2015.
Thank you to all of the CSD'15 participants for joining our discussion and making our workshop a success.
Papers presented at CSD 2015:
On the Similarity of Task Contexts Walid Maalej and Mathias Ellmann
Untangling Development Tasks with Software Developer’s Activity Martin Konopka and Pavol Navrat
Modeling Context-Aware Command Recommendation and Acceptance in an IDE Marko Gasparic and Francesco Ricci
Empirical Evidences of Factors Influencing Project Context in Distributed Software Projects Adailton Lima, Rodrigo Reis and Carla Reis
A Context-Aware Style of Software Design Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Pietro Braione, Riccardo Roveda and Marco Zanoni
CodeBasket: Making Developers' Mental Model Visible and Explorable Benjamin Biegel, Sebastian Baltes, Ivan Scarpellini and Stephan Diehl